Avanço nas reformas da JICA Plaza Yokohama.
Obra do artista plástico brasileiro, Oscar Oiwa, localizada na entrada do segundo andar do prédio, revelando a paisagem da Ponte de Osanbashi (Yokohama – Japão) no início do século 20 e a saída dos navios que transportavam os emigrantes japoneses ao exterior. Oscar Oiwa é um Nikkei brasileiro de segunda geração e que reside hoje em New York (EUA).

A obra foi instalada de uma forma que o visitante consiga reviver os aspectos e os sentimentos dos emigrantes na época. À medida que o visitante avança na direção da entrada, cria-se uma sensação de adentrar-se no porto, uma experiência possível de ser vivenciada apenas neste local.
Em japonês (日本語で)
Em inglês (In English)
[Mr. Oiwa Oscar’s artwork depicting the Osanbashi Bridge in the early 20 century, when an immigrant ship set sail]
Today, we are introducing the renewal of JICA Plaza Yokohama, which was exhibited at the 2nd floor entrance by Mr. Oiwa Oscar, a 2nd generation of Japanese Brazilian artist living in NY.
This artwork is inspired by the port of Yokohama at the beginning of the 20 century, when the emigrant ship set sail, and depicts the landscape of Yokohama Osanbashi at that time and the emigrant ship. By walking toward the entrance of the 2nd floor entrance of JICA Palaza Yokohama, where Osanbashi Bridge was drawn at that time, it is intended to remind you of the situation at that time and the feelings of immigrants.
For JICA Yokohama, which has the Japanese Overseas Migration Museum, Mr. Oiwa made this new artwork with full consideration, and it is a site-specific work that can only be seen at JICA Yokohama. We hope you can enjoy it at JICA Yokohama.
2-story entrance (Mr. Oscar Oiwa)
Obra do artista plástico James Kudo, que consiste em três pilares instalados no terceiro andar do prédio da JICA Yokohama, onde está localizado o restaurante “Port Terrace Café”.

James Kudo é um Nikkey brasileiro de terceira geração. Nasceu e cresceu no Brasil, sendo um dos renomados artistas plásticos brasileiros, e tem trabalhado em várias localidades ao redor do mundo. A obra intitulada “Territorial Displacement,” é inspirada na natureza da América Latina e do Caribe, e representa o solo, o céu, as plantas e os pássaros destas regiões, criando uma atmosfera de conforto, relaxamento e reflexões sobre as nossas origens, e transportando a beleza destes elementos ao interior da JICA Yokohama.
O interior do restaurante Port Terrace Café está sendo renovado, com novas instalações. O estabelecimento oferece chás e cafés, além de cardápios internacionais., e o visitante poderá apreciar a vista do Porto de Yokohama, como o Armazém de Tijolos Vermelhos e a Baía de Yokohama, sentindo uma conexão que transcende as fronteiras dos países, como a natureza, os povos e as diversas culturas, para além dos oceanos.
Em japonês (In Japanese)
ランチ 11:30~14:00(L.O. 13:30)- カフェ 14:00~17:00 (L.O. 16:30)
ディナー 一時休業中
Em inglês (In English)
[Works by James Kudo, a third-generation Japanese-Brazilian artist]
Renewal is going on at JICA Yokohama. Today, we would like to introduce the works of Mr. James Kudo, a third-generation Japanese-Brazilian artist, displayed on the three pillars of the third floor restaurant “Port Terrace Café”.
Mr. James Kudo, born and raised in Brazil as a third-generation Japanese-Brazilian, is one of Brazil’s leading artists, based in Sao Paulo, Brazil, and active around the world.
Named “Territorial Displacement,” this artwork is inspired by nature in Latin America and the Caribbean, and depicts motifs of the earth, sky, plants and birds that are common to the world. By inserting a beautiful natural element into JICA Yokohama, it was created with the aim of giving people a sense of comfort and relaxation, as well as giving them time to reflect on themselves.
The restaurant Port Terrace Café has been renovated with new design furniture and tableware. Enjoy the views of Yokohama Port, such as the Red Brick Warehouse and Bay Bridge, as well as the meals that you can choose from among the international menu and coffee or tea, and feel the connection that transcends national boundaries, such as nature, people, and culture that exist across the ocean.
3rd floor Restaurant “Port Terrace Cafe”.
Opening Hours
Lunch 11: 30 ~ 14: 00 (L.O. 13: 30) – Cafe 14: 00 ~ 17: 00 (L.O. 16:30)
Dinner is temporarily closed.
Photos JICA
Restaurant on the third floor