Os seguintes cursos online de treinamento no Japão estão com inscrições abertas:
- “Value-chain Development for Sustainable Use of Fisheries Resources”
- Course No. 202003094-J001
- Prazo de inscrição até 13/08/2021 (por e-mail na JICA em Brasília)
- Course Period: 4 October 2021 to 23 November 2021
- For what? This program enables participants to learn advanced knowledge and skills as well as gain practical experience in value chain development for sustainable use of fisheries resources. During/post COVID-19 situation, adaptive strategies and active public involvement are keys for successful development. We will cover them with facilitation practices with case studies with prepared instructions.
- For whom? This program offers to officers or researchers of central and local government agencies in charge of fisheries development. It is also open to leaders of fishers’ or fish processors’ groups/organizations.
- “Gender and Diversity in Disaster Risk Reduction”
- Course No. 202003060-J001
- Prazo de inscrição até
06/09/2021[Prorrogado para 15/09] na JICA em Brasília - Course Period: October 19th to November 16th, 2021
- For what? The participants will share ideas and approaches to gender and diversity in DRR. Through collaborative learning processes, the course aims to co-create new, effective and transformative approaches to promote women’s leadership, in particular, and to generate effective, equal and meaningful approaches to DRR with a gender and
diversity perspective. - For whom? The participants will be tripartite: i) government officers in charge of DRR with a gender and diversity perspective, ii) government officers in charge of promoting gender equality and women’s empowerment in the context of DRR, and iii) representatives of civil society and non-governmental organizations working for gender equality and women’s empowerment in DRR.
- For what? The participants will share ideas and approaches to gender and diversity in DRR. Through collaborative learning processes, the course aims to co-create new, effective and transformative approaches to promote women’s leadership, in particular, and to generate effective, equal and meaningful approaches to DRR with a gender and
Informações detalhadas dos cursos e formulário de inscrição
Acessar o site: https://www.jica.go.jp/brazil/portuguese/office/courses/index.html
Procedimentos para inscrição
Acessar o site: http://www.jica.go.jp/brazil/portuguese/office/activities/brazil03_02.html
Orientações gerais
A instituição interessada em indicar candidatos para o curso da JICA devem encaminhar uma cópia do “Application Form” datada e assinada para jicabr-training@jica.go.jp
- Ler o Informativo do curso e providenciar os documentos como: “Inception Report”, “Organization Chart” e “Questionnaire” (caso solicitado no informativo do curso);
- Preencher o “Application Form” com endereço completo incluindo o CEP, preencher o “Official Application” com a assinatura da Instituição (pessoa autorizada a permitirá a saída para o Japão);
- Anexar ao “Application Form” o “Inception Report”, “Organization Chart” e “Questionnaire”, caso solicitado no informativo do curso, juntamente com diploma de graduação, atestado médico em inglês, teste de proficiência do Inglês em inglês, cópia do passaporte e, caso possua, cópia do visto americano.
Obs.: O nome do candidato deve estar de acordo com o nome no passaporte.
Agência de Cooperação Internacional do Japão – JICA
Representação no Brasil, Escritório em Brasília
Mami Saiki (佐伯 マミ)
Assistente para Programas de Treinamento
Tel: +55-61-3321-6465 (R: 128)
Email: jicabr-training@jica.go.jp
Site: www.jica.go.jp/brazil/portuguese/office